A library for manipulating the increase, decrease and assets query of position liquidity.

1. Functions

1.1. getAmountsForAmount0

  function getAmountsForAmount0(
    uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
    uint160 sqrtPriceL96,
    uint160 sqrtPriceU96,
    uint256 deltaX
  ) internal returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Calculate the number of t0 and t1 needed to maximize t0 to be added to the LP of the pool

Calculation formula: DeltaX0 = DeltaX0 /( SPu(SPc-SPl) / (SPc(SPu-SPc)) + 1)


Name Type Description
sqrtPriceX96 uint160 Current sqrt price
sqrtPriceL96 uint160 Sqrt price of tickLower
sqrtPriceU96 uint160 Sqrt price of tickUpper
deltaX uint256 Delta amount of token0

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount0 uint160 Amount of token0
amount1 uint160 Amount of token1

1.2. getAmountOutMin

  function getAmountOutMin(
    uint256 curSqrtPirceX96,
    uint256 maxPriceImpact,
    uint256 amountIn
  ) internal returns (uint256 amountOutMin)

Calculate the minimum swap output value


Name Type Description
curSqrtPirceX96 uint256 Current sqrt price
maxPriceImpact uint256 Maximum price impact
amountIn uint256 Input quantity

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amountOutMin uint256 Minimum output quantity

1.3. computeSwapAmounts

  function computeSwapAmounts(
    struct Position.SwapParams params,
    mapping(address => bytes) buyPath
  ) internal returns (uint256 amount0Max, uint256 amount1Max)

Calculate the distribution of the two tokens in the designated position of the investment based on the amount of the fund's local token and the amount of collected fees.


Name Type Description
params struct Position.SwapParams Swap the parameters
buyPath mapping(address => bytes) Path to purchase tokens

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount0Max uint256 Maximum token0 amount
amount1Max uint256 Maximum token1 amount

1.4. addLiquidity

  function addLiquidity(
    struct Position.Info self,
    struct Position.AddParams params,
    mapping(address => bytes) sellPath,
    mapping(address => bytes) buyPath
  ) public returns (uint128 liquidity)

Add LP to the specified position


Name Type Description
self struct Position.Info Position information
params struct Position.AddParams Investment information
sellPath mapping(address => bytes) Path to sell tokens
buyPath mapping(address => bytes) Path to buy tokens

Return Values:

Name Type Description
liquidity struct Position.Info LP obtained when adding the position

1.5. burnAndCollect

  function burnAndCollect(
    struct Position.Info pool,
    address proportionX128
  ) public returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Brun the LP in the specified position and get back 2 tokens


Name Type Description
pool struct Position.Info UniswapV3Pool
proportionX128 address Burn's share of LP

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount0 uint256 Amount of token0 obtained
amount1 uint256 Amount of token1 obtained

1.6. subLiquidity

  function subLiquidity(
    struct Position.Info self,
    struct Position.SubParams params
  ) public returns (uint256 amount)

Reduce the LP of the specified position and get back the local token.


Name Type Description
self struct Position.Info Specified position
params struct Position.SubParams UniswapV3 pool and quantity to be subtracted

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount uint256 The amount of fund local token obtained

1.7. assetsOfPool

  function assetsOfPool(
    struct Position.Info[] self,
    address pool,
    address token,
    mapping(address => bytes) sellPath,
    address uniV3Factory
  ) public returns (uint256 amount, uint256[])

Obtain all assets of a certain liquidity pool (measured in the fund's local token)


Name Type Description
self struct Position.Info[] All posotions of the specified pool
pool address Pool address
token address Fund local token address
sellPath mapping(address => bytes) Path to sell tokens
uniV3Factory address Uniswap V3 factory address

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount uint256 Assets of pool , amounts Amount of assets per position

1.8. assets

  function assets(
    struct Position.Info self,
    address pool,
    address token,
    mapping(address => bytes) sellPath,
    address uniV3Factory
  ) public returns (uint256 amount)

Obtain a position, all assets measured in the fund's token


Name Type Description
self struct Position.Info Specified position
pool address Pool index of the position
token address Fund local token address
sellPath mapping(address => bytes) Path to buy tokens
uniV3Factory address Uniswap V3 factory address

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount uint256 Amount of assets

1.9. getAssetsOfSinglePosition

  function getAssetsOfSinglePosition(
    struct Position.AssetsOfSinglePosition params
  ) internal returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Get all the assets of a position, including the handling fee not included in the tokensOwed.


Name Type Description
params struct Position.AssetsOfSinglePosition Position information

Return Values:

Name Type Description
amount0 uint256 The amount of token0
amount1 uint256 The amount of token1

1.10. getFeeGrowthInside

  function getFeeGrowthInside(
    struct Position.FeeGrowthInsideParams params
  ) internal returns (uint256 feeGrowthInside0X128, uint256 feeGrowthInside1X128)

Retrieves fee growth data


Name Type Description
params struct Position.FeeGrowthInsideParams FeeGrowthInside parameter

Return Values:

Name Type Description
feeGrowthInside0X128 uint256 The all-time fee growth in token0, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
feeGrowthInside1X128 uint256 The all-time fee growth in token1, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
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